Wednesday, February 4, 2009

1 2 3 4

Aaah that ache of missing. I thought I was through with it, but it seems like missing someone, or a place, or people, is simply a part of life. I say all this because in a matter of hours someone I have been missing will be here. I'm excited, of course, yet also a little nervous. What if they don't think of me in the same way as before? What if we have nothing to say (I do find that highly unlikely). What if...
The thing is, that being away from people and places makes you see them in a different light. You appreciate them more, realise deeper aspects of your feeling for them, perhaps romanticize them a it (something I seem to do rather well). My feelings for England have changed so much since I left, in ways I'm sure they wouldn't have had I stayed. I guess that, as ever, this is more my fears talking. What if I don't live up to expectations? But really, the overwhelming feeling is of happiness and blessing. It is that thought that follows me to sleep tonight.

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