Seattle awaits, a short train ride away to a whole other country.
Some Stanley Park shots (before I got semi-lost in a marshy bit)
The start of my trip to Seattle did not go all that well, as apparently my apples were hazardous and had to remain (in a bin) on Canadian soil. It would have been hilarious if they were grown in the U.S., but these were good old British Columbia fare and unwanted down south. No Canadian contamination! I managed to save one by asking if I could eat it: the man said that was fine but I had to consume it before I reached the border. Honestly! Tempted to ask for the other one back from the bin, I instead continued and any incredulity at such a rule was whisked away by the sheer size of the train in front of me. This double decker behemoth has so much leg room (I am in seat 7, car 2 in case that makes a difference) that I can only reach the footrest by slouching so far down in my seat I can barely see out the window. Note - I later discovered the footrest was adjustable...sweet!
Yes, I know I'm short, but this is leg room for giants! At only 30 bucks I truly do think, lack of love for apples and all, that this may be the best way to get stateside. There would also be stupendous views...but the sun has gone down already so my sea-view window seat may only show a glimmer of what is meant to be one of the most gorgeous train journeys in North America.
Like Snow White I shall take a bite of this apple and maybe have a snooze before hitting Seattle....
A few minutes later...
Get out iPod to have some tunes to accompany me. Somehow there is no music on there. WTF! Seems like when I charged it up yesterday it deleted everything on it. Nothing...nada..zilch.
Wow. This sucks.
Upon arrival in Seattle, after having played Frozen Bubbles for about 3 hours (I don't know why either, to my defence it was dark outside and well, I had no music) the station is closing down and I need to call the woman I am staying with. After scrambling for change (WHY don't they have $1 coins here???) I dial just to hear that the number is no longer in service. What to do? I try to call 411 but I need 75c to do so. Hmm...dial 0 for the operator...nothing happens.
The taxi driver outside was ultra-friendly and nice and, thank to Josh, I knew there was a Days Inn downtown where I could stay for cheap. I head off there with a friendly driver, mulling over what to do and enjoying what I can see of the city. Days Inn is a real bargain - $69 a night with free breakfast! (I haven't eaten it yet so don't get mad if my opinion changes tomorrow.) Furthermore, it seems that bus travel in the downtown core of Seattle is FREE!! I am stoked - can't wait to explore tomorrow.
I try calling the lady again from my freezing no avail. Then...DURRHHH it hits me - I have to dial 1 before her number. Meh...
My queen bed is calling. Although I have one at home, this seems like massive luxury after uncomfortable hostel bunks. My God, it's only been a few night and I'm already sick of the beds :s How am I gonna cope for another 8-odd months?! Thankfully I bought some teabags in Vancouver so can lie back with a plastic cup and watch some crappy TV. Aahhh, luxury!
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