Friday, June 12, 2009

Reflections from Hue

Traveling has taught me that I have a lot, yet need very little. That a smile not only makes you happier, but breaks the ice that words cannot: it is universal. That we humans are, on many levels, the same – dreams, hopes, fears, needs and desires

I've learned that no matter how much you sweat, there always seems to be enough fluid inside you to produce yet more, that water and paper napkins/toilet paper are real commodities and that no matter how far you go, how much you see, there is a place called home. This home is more within you than without out, and is ever-evolving (if you let it) and only you really hold the keys that determine what you'll find when you open the door.

Traveling has left other impressions: no matter how hot and bothered you may be, how frustrated and annoyed, anger generally fuels that and staying calm gets you a hell of a lot further. that you should trust your instincts, and that however many new friends you make, you still wish the old ones were there to share moments. That family is a wonderful, amazing thing wherever in the world you (and they) are.

Last but not least this trip has rekindled some of the belief I'd lost in myself and the world around; that i should work towards fulfilling my dreams and that I am a very blessed person. I have so many things I am grateful for and although I don't often understand how I deserve them, I hope that when I return to my 'real' world with all its daily niggles and stresses, I remember to focus on them instead of the negatives. There is so much wonder and beauty in this world, so much to smile and laugh about...hardships (I have seen many) can crush you if you let them. I hope to let them highlight all the good that exists instead.

1 comment:

  1. I've been following in Google Reader, so I always forget to comment, but this is a really beautiful post; the kind I doubt I'll really "get" until I hit the road myself. It sounds like it's been an amazing journey.

    Enjoy Japan!
